Art Show Workshops Offered

Save the dates! The Cloisters Art Show will offer two workshops, and you are invited to attend. The first will be “The Art of Collecting Japanese Woodblock Prints” with Leslie Lehmann and Clark Worth on Sunday, February 23, at noon in the chapel. Clark and Leslie will share their lifetime of collecting Japanese prints together (a Valentine love story). In this workshop, you’ll learn how Japanese woodblock prints are created, where to find prints, how much they cost, how to identify the artists, and how to tell if a print is “real.”

The second workshop will be “Emotion in Art and Music” with Caroleigh and Jack Robinson on Saturday, March 1, at 10 a.m. in the chapel. To attend either of these workshops, please sign up in the Great Hall following worship on February 9 or 16, or sign up at the art-show gala on February 21 (held at 7 p.m. in the Great Hall). If you have any question, contact Louise Jones or the church office.
