Pentecost Offering

May 23rd is Pentecost. When you make a gift to the Pentecost offering, you help the church encourage, develop, and support its young people, and also address the needs of at-risk children. Of your generous special offering, 60% is used to support children-at-risk, youth, and young adults through ministries of the Presbyterian Mission Agency. (To learn more about how this money is used, check out this video: The remaining 40% will be used to fund Youth Mission Week 2021, a joint mission project of Westminster Presbyterian Church and Rose City Park Presbyterian Church. Our high schoolers will be helping to beautify our neighborhood and environment, doing trash pickup and tree maintenance in partnership with SOLVE and Friends of Trees. We’ll be masked, outside, and socially distanced, serving our community and having fun! Please give generously for our Pentecost special offering. You can send a check with “Pentecost offering” in the memo line, or you can give online. To give online, go to our website’s home page and click “online giving.” Then, in the section marked “other,” fill in the amount and write “Pentecost offering” in the blank field. Thank you!
