A brief history
The Lockwood Legacy Funds have been established and funded over the last half-century as a way to ensure the vital ministry of Westminster Presbyterian Church is continued into the future. The Funds are named in honor of Samuel P. Lockwood (1872-1937), one of Westminster’s “founding fathers,” and his wife, Harriet M. Lockwood (1879-1967), who was number two on the list of charter members. Samuel and Harriet shared a vision for Westminster and devoted their lives to the church. Their genius for finance and their giving of time, talents, and money have left a legacy that will be remembered and cherished into the future.
The current funds
The variety of funds allows donors to direct their gifts according to their preferences; undesignated funds are distributed according to a financial formula approved by the Session.
Endowment Trust Fund
This fund, begun in 1975, is reserved for expansion and extension of the ministry and mission of Westminster. For example, this fund supports education opportunities for our church leaders and enabled the establishment of Westminster’s Taize Service of Healing and Wholeness.
Building Maintenance Trust Fund
Begun in 1972 by Herbert and Ruth Templeton, this fund is used to address non-recurring, non-operating budget expenses, such as providing for sidewalk repair, replacing the refrigerator in the Great Hall kitchen, and waterproofing for the building. With this fund, we seek to avoid serious, long-term maintenance problems which could cause hardship to the church.
Hensley Music Endowment Fund
Begun in 1995 by the Music Committee and named to honor Bonnie Hensley, soprano soloist and section leader in the choir for almost 40 years, Westminster’s outstanding music ministry is aided by this fund. Handbell repair, new robe storage cabinets, and risers for the sanctuary are examples of expenditures.
General Trust Fund
Begun in 1993, this fund meets general needs that go beyond what could be covered through the standard operating budget. This includes maintaining our permanent art collection, unique information technology needs, and the repair of our organ.
Odiorne Memorial Fund
This fund, named in memory of a beloved former pastor, Leonard Odiorne, began as a student loan fund in 1959. It transitioned to a college scholarship program for members of our church, giving preference to seminary students. This fund has helped over 40 students, including at least 10 seminary students.
Children and Youth Ministry Endowment Fund
This fund, begun in 1999 by a former long-time church member, Mary Hayes, is used to strengthen and expand our ministry to children and youth. For example, it helped fund the renovation of the playground in the courtyard.
Helen Kolden Alne Endowment Fund
The Helen Kolden Alne Endowment Fund was established in 2022 by Harold and Jan Poujade and is named for Jan’s mother whose life was anchored in her faith, providing care to friends and family, and joy in making and sharing music with children & youth. The income produced by the fund will support Westminster’s music ministry for children & youth. Funds may be used for various purposes, including the purchase of sheet music, salaries, musical instruments and training. The special scope of this fund also allows for income to support music programs for children & youth that include participants from other churches when such programs may be combined with Westminster’s. The head of music staff, in conjunction with the Worship & Music Committee, directs the use of the income produced by this fund.
Westminster Forever Fund
Have you thought about the hole that will be left when you are no longer able to make your annual pledge to Westminster? What would it mean if Westminster were able to continue receiving that same annual pledge year after year (even after you are gone)? We make plans for how to support our family members after our passing, but what about our church family? The costs of sustaining Westminster’s vibrant programming and maintaining our historic building in support of our wonderful church community won’t go away, and future generations may need the support that we can provide if we will pay it forward. The Westminster Forever Fund can be your vehicle to leave a wonderful legacy for your church family as well.