• Preacher

Where Resurrection Lives

Date: March 26, 2023
Scripture: John 11:1-35
Preacher: Rev. Chris Dela Cruz

I’m not ready for my brothers to die. I have two brothers, Kevin and Daniel. As I was preparing this sermon, I just thought about if either of them became gravely ill. What I could have done, should I have called them more. I don’t really think I’m ready for any of my loved ones … read

Unblinded by the Light

Date: March 19, 2023
Scripture: John 9:1-41
Preacher: Rev. Beth Neel

If I were to ask you to close your eyes and name ten things you just saw, would you be able to do it? Probably yes—either because this is such a visually stimulating place or because you’ve been here often enough that you could remember what is visible in the front of the sanctuary. If … read

Nic at Night

Date: March 5, 2023
Scripture: John 3:1-17
Preacher: Rev. Beth Neel

Today we are going to wade into those tricky waters of super-well-known Bible verses and how they might mean something different than is thought. When something is written down in Greek two thousand years ago from an oral tradition, and no original documents exist; when people have to guess what was once written where there’s … read

In the Wilderness

Date: February 26, 2023
Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11
Preacher: Rev. Beth Neel

There’s an upside and a downside to snow days for this preacher. The upside is—yea! Stay at home in comfy clothes, bake something, cancel some meetings, sleep in. The downside—as a personal thing—is that a closed office does not mean there won’t be some kind of worship on Sunday that necessitates writing a sermon. So … read

At the Crossroad

Date: February 12, 2023
Scripture: Deuteronomy 30:15-20
Preacher: Rev. Beth Neel

A few years ago, because of circumstances we did not welcome, Gregg and I replaced all the plumbing in our house. Gone were the 90-year-old galvanized pipes with heaven knows how much gunk in them. Now we have some sort of plastic, I think, thing. The water pressure is better, and we have no leaks … read

A Score of Years

Date: January 29, 2023
Scripture: Luke 6:43-49
Preacher: Rev. Laurie Newman

Beth asked me if I would like to preach this Sunday, as 2023 marks my twentieth year at Westminster as your associate pastor. Since I have about ten minutes allotted to preach, and twenty years to cover, that gives me about 30 seconds per year. When I first came to Westminster, my sons were ages … read
