What Is Gods
Scripture: Matthew 22:15-22
Preacher: Rev. Gregg Neel
In 1892, Ellis Island became the reception center for new immigrants to our country. In 1892, John Muir founded the Sierra Club. In 1892, Homer Plessy refused to go to a segregated rail car, which led to a lawsuit from which we inherited the idea of “separate but equal.” In 1892, the towns of Albina … read
It all began with Cassini. A few weeks ago, the Cassini space probe, having ended its twenty-year mission, changed its path orbiting the planet Saturn, sent itself into the planet’s atmosphere and burned itself up. It was an extraordinary mission by all accounts, this joint effort of American and European space programs. Cassini gave us … read
I’ve been thinking about Mr. Rogers this week. From time to time, when events overwhelm and the world feels like a dark and scary place, I remember these words he once said. “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the … read
This is not the age of information. This is not the age of information. Forget the news, and the radio, and the blurred screen. This is the time of loaves and fishes. People are hungry, and one good word is bread for a thousand. From The House of Belonging: Poems by David Whyte … read