Sermon for the Installation of the Rev. Chris Dela Cruz

Date: January 24, 2021
Scripture: Mark 1:16-20
Guest Preacher: Reverend Aqueelah Ligonde


I am so happy to be a part of this service for my brother Chris. Over the past few years, I have had the absolute joy of watching God work through this amazing man of God. I have witnessed God’s hand on his life, his ministry, and his awesome family. Today is an honor indeed. This moment is an honor. And to watch God’s hand at work in Chris is a blessing!

Let us pray.

Mark 1: 16-20

As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 17 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” 18 At once they left their nets and followed him.

19 When he had gone a little farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John in a boat, preparing their nets. 20 Without delay he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed him.

I am struck as I read this text that when Jesus called Simon, Andrew, James, and John, they were working. They were not simply sitting by the shore taking a break or napping or chatting. They were in it. Doing what they did day after day. Making their living. Not looking for anything extraordinary to happen. I imagine that the day began just as it had always begun. I imagine that this day did not seem particularly different than any other day. But little did they know there was something brewing in the atmosphere. Something incredible was about to enter the scene and change their lives forever.

Jesus comes in and totally interrupts not only their workflow but their entire lives. He came to offer them a once-in-a-lifetime experience. We understand now in this moment the significance of this moment for these men. As we have read and heard this text over and over again, we immediately see the importance in this story not just for the soon-to-be disciples but for us today.

When Jesus shows up with this message, one could expect this moment to be marked by grand words. Fireworks in the sky. Perhaps that dove who showed up at Jesus’ baptism could have made an appearance or one of the angels who knew his parents could have come down to solidify the moment. None of that happens. No grand gestures or words. No angels or doves. No parting of the sky or sea. We get simple words from Jesus. A statement. An invitation. A promise 17 “Come, follow me,” “and I will send you out to fish for people.”

There was something so powerful about what Jesus said and even how he said it that caused these hardworking men to drop everything and follow him. Without delay. Without discussing it with anyone. Without forming a committee first. They dropped their nets immediately and followed him.

They left all they knew, their families, friends, and homes, to follow a man they didn’t know. Can you imagine the chatter of the other fishermen or neighbors after hearing what they had done? I am sure people thought they were crazy! Crazy to just up and live with a stranger. Up and live to create a different life, on the road, with this man who seems very confident in his promise and seems to have a plan and purpose for their futures that even they are unaware of.

Chris, I wonder if in this time of uncertainty, craziness, newness, and what I am hoping is a revival in our world…I wonder if Jesus is calling not only you but all of us out of our ordinary lives and into something

life transforming through this simple statement. I wonder if this year of pandemics, chaos, and global shake up is actually God seeing us in our ordinary, everyday, and inviting us to follow him in a new way. To throw away what we thought we knew about what it means to be good neighbors. To immediately drop our own agendas and plans and simply follow him. Perhaps, my friend, you have been called to this ministry at this time to remind folks of the simple and complicated invitation to follow Jesus. In order to do that you must be willing to do it yourself.

As ministers of this gospel, it is easy to get caught up in the work and miss Jesus standing right there. Right there on the shore looking at you. Yes, there is work to be done. Yes, there are young people to reach. Yes, there is a message to share. Yes, there are sermons to be preached, missions to be served, ministries to be launched. But be careful not to get so wrapped up in all of these wonderful things that you miss the real reason you said yes. You said yes to ministry to glorify God! To offer not just your work to God, but your whole self. Mind, body, and soul. Those fishermen…they offered everything to follow Jesus. Dropped not just their livelihood but also all the things that made them comfortable.

Friend, these are uncomfortable times, but I promise you that God is with you. God sees you and is calling you to follow his lead.

Chris, you are standing in the middle of a move of God. To be a minister at this time in our history is both extremely difficult and extremely divine. God has called you to follow him into the unknown, through the uncertainty, in the midst of the chaos, despite the resistance. God is calling you to preach through the complicated. To help the church to redefine what it means to be a good neighbor. To throw out your own agenda and seek God’s agenda. To be an example to the young people who pass your way.

But here is the thing. You are going to have to pay even more attention now. Because there is a lot going on and you could miss it. There will not be fireworks or angels descending or doves or grand gestures…nah…I believe that as we all enter this new season God is going to show up with his radically simple message, “Follow me.”

Following God might mean you will have to say no to some things you want to say yes to. Following God might mean that you will have serve under some strenuous conditions. Following God might mean that folks will not always understand you, but you keep going. Following God means that things will not always work out, but you keep pushing. Following God means that you will not always have the answers, but you have a direct connection to the creator of the universe who has called you, shaped up, crafted you, wired you, molded you, and formed you. Following God means that things that seem ordinary can be extraordinary. So, do not take conversations with youth lightly. Do not miss a chance to listen rather than talk. Do not overlook an opportunity because it seems dull or regular. That is where God speaks…in the ordinary, in the conversations, in the listening, in the regular. That is where God calls us to the extraordinary, the mind blowing, the eye opening, the soul touching, the unexpected. That is where God reveals God’s plan and purpose for your life. So, pay attention and keep your eyes on the shore.

Go forward knowing that God is working, conspiring on your behalf. This might feel good right now…but OH, my friend there is so much more ahead!

I am looking forward to what God has in store for you, for this wonderful church, the community, the next generation of Jesus followers, your family, and the entire kingdom of God. So, Chris…go ahead and drop it all and follow Jesus into this next chapter of ministry and life. God bless you, friend.
